April 28, 2024

This video: http://www.shareslo.com is your place for tips, conversation and more for all of San Luis Obispo County. Come one, come all. Locals and tourists! Be sure to use #shareslo in your conversations!

Enjoy this magical story reminiscent of who’s on first:

This is a story of a guy from “SLO.” This guy wasn’t so slow at all. He grabbed me on the street one day and said he wanted to share something with me. Let me share it with you.

I saw him quickly move what was to be shared to the bottom. I said, “Share is on the bottom.” He said, “Nope. You’re too slow.” I said, “Share is on top.” He quickly said, “NOPE, you’re SLO.” I said, “How did you know I am from SLO? San Luis Obispo is the best city in the world!” He showed the middle card and said that he was just trying to share where SLO was. I said, “I knew where SLO is, I live here.”

I said, “You’re not sharing where share is at all!” He said I was wrong and then slowly showed that share was on the bottom. I then said, “Share what is on top!” He said, “San luis Obispo is the top, of course, It’s the best city in the world.” but then he slowly shared that share was on top. Then he said he’d share what was in the middle. I said, “Middle of what? SF and LA. What are you talking about?!” Then he slowly showed share in the middle.

I said, “You are too fast! Where is SLO?” He said, “SLO is everywhere I look because I love this place too and I’m not going anywhere fast. I just want to share slo with you.”

I said, “Can you share SLO slower?” He said, “It’s as easy as 1-2-3. If you want to share SLO, just got to ShareSLO.com! It’s everything SLO.”

The End.

For more about magician Rich Ferguson, visit http://www.TheIceBreaker.com

For more about Rich running for SLO Ambassador, check out our official blog: http://www.richferguson.blogspot.com/2013/01/shareslo-ambassador.html

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